12 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

Tajikistan is a country in middle Asia.Tajikistan is under the Kirghizistan,on the Afghanistan and between the Uzbekistan and China.

This is Tajikistan's flag.It has four colours.They are red,white,green and yellow.Tajikistan flag's has 7 stars.Stars are yellow.White colour is bigger than other colours.Red colour means "fredoom"and"their lands".White colour means "cotton"and "purity".Green colour means "agriculture".

There are 5.358.000 people in Tajikistan. It is not very crowded so no problem of traffic. Most people live small villages. The capital city of Tajikistan is Dushanbe. Dushanbe has five mosques and wide streets. There is not much historical artifact because Dushanbe is a new city. Tajikistan has four provinces. They are Dushanbe, Hatlan, Hacent and Badahşan. Dushanbe has a lot of trees and waterways. They are very beautiful. Tajikistan has a lot of tall mountains. The height of lands over 3000 meters. There is a large valley in the south. Lakes gather in Pamir. "Karakul Lake" is the largest of other lakes in Tajikistan. 



Tajikistan has four seasons. They are hard continental climate, subtropics climate, summer and winter. In summer, it is very hot and dry. It has a little rain. The average rainfall is from 150 mm to 250 mm. In winter, it is very cold. The average temperature is -46 °C. The average rainfall is from 60 mm to 80 mm.
People in Tajikistan speak Tajik, Perslan and Russian but we also learn English in high school. There is no heavy industry in the country. Agriculture is the most important Tajik people. Many people work on farms. It has many agricultural products. They are cotton, grapes, sesame, wheat, barley, melon and vegetable. The most famous agricultural product is cotton. Others work in animals factories and floriculture. 


The currency is the Ruble. 

There are a lot of foods in Tajikistan. Thet are "halwa", "soup", "meat dishes" and "plav". The most popular foods are pasty and pirmeni. Tajik people love tes. Their tea is very delicious. In a addition, there is another drink called kefir. Kefir is a kind of yoghurt. They drink kefir in the morning.

Tajiks care traditional life. Traditional life is very important in Tajikistan. When a new baby is born, guests do not come home 40 days. Guests invite to home 40 days later and organize festal. The festal is called "şildehan". Mullah terms baby. People read the Quran for did relatives and prays. It is called cradle tild ceremany. Homeowners offer sweetmeat to guesta. When baby gets to the age of 4, baby's hair cut and baby circumcises. Children don't go to school without circumcision because children don't ripen.Parents teach their children to be hardworking, honest, helpful, generous, polite and them to be head of the family. Tajiks protect ritual. Women can't walk in front of  men and they can't shout their husbands because such things are sin.

Tajik women give shape to their eyebrows.One eyebrow is fashion in Tajikistan.They dye their eyebrows with eyebrow pencil.

"Nowruz"is very important in Tajikistan.Nowruz is a festal.Tajik people play folks,listen traditional musics and eat traditional foods.